! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Everyone wasn't sure whether the park was safe or not. Dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct millions of years ago! I was starting to become more suspicious whether the dinosaurs will cause big problems on the island. But Hammond looks calm and sure that nothing will go wrong, and even worse, he invited his grandchildren: Tim and Lex Murphy to stay on Isla Nublar for the weekend! Gennaro became mad at Hammond, for he put his own grandchildren in danger. "We're not even sure whether this island is safe or not!" Gennaro yelled. I'm also a bit suspicious, but I decided to know what the island is really about through experience. Ed Regis, the publicity manager, led Ellie and me into the Safari Lodge the building we're going to stay in. The Safari Lodge doesn't look anything like the picture on the plans. The windows are all small and there are bars over them, the doors are made of metal, there are bars too over the skylight, and a metal fence ran around the Lodge! This doesn't look like a safe place to stay, it looks like a prison! But I never got the chance, because that's when the scientists of Isla Nublar started to tell us how they REALLY made the dinosaurs. I met some new friends: John Arnold [chief engineer], Robert Muldoon [park warden], Dr. Harding [vet], and Henry Wu [chief geneticist]. They all worked in the Control Room. The DNA was taken from insects that are trapped in harden amber. The insects fed on dinosaurs. That's how they got the DNA. But I found out that the scientists don't know what kind of animal they are making, they just let it grow, and see what it is. The dinosaurs will hatch from eggs, but sometimes the scientists will have to inject poison into the egg if something goes wrong. The dinosaurs that hatch will become adults in two to four years. Wu claimed that they don't let dinosaurs breed. I learned from Wu that one type of dinosaur, VELOCIRAPTORS, are very fierce when they grow up, but when they are young, they are friendly. After I knew that, Ellie, Malcolm, Tim, and I had a sudden desire to see the adult velociraptors. The velociraptors cage was at the back of the building. As we got closer, the dinosaurs began to become extremely aggresive, they tried to attack us. We would've died if the cage wasn't electric. Malcolm said, "I have heard that predators have to learn that men are easy to kill. But how do DINOSAURS know that?" That's when things started to go wrong.

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