! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This really is a very big park! In total, there are 238 animals, made up of T-Rexes, Maiasaurs, Stegosaurs, Triceratops, Compsognathids. Othnielia, Velociraptors, Apatosaurs, Hadrosaurs, Dilophosaurs, Pterosaurs, Hypsilophodontids, Euoplocephalids, Styracosaurs, and Callovosaurs. The computer system is VERY accurate! If an animal dies, the computer will tell us in a few minutes. The cameras and sensors detect the dinosaurs movement, and will tell us if a dinosaur escaped from its enclosure. John Arnold claimed that dinosaurs escaping the enclosure rarely happens. There are extremely powerful electric fences, and deep moats around each enclosure. After that was explained, the tour started. We rode on land-cruisers. Tim found night-vision goggles, a walkie-talkie, and a computer. The computer can explain things to us about the park. It said that all dinosaurs were not very big. We learned more about dinosaurs in this tour. We learned that dilophosaurs spits poison to its prey if it's hungry, triceratops can't see well, and a young T-Rex can weight 1.50 tonnes. As we continued, we suddenly saw a sick stegosaur. Ellie said it was poisoned. Poisoned every 6 weeks! Next to the stegosaur, there were pieces of shell from a dinosaur egg. "The dinosaurs don't breed! We didn't let them," Wu claimed. I'm not sure... There is a possibility that the scientists have accidentally made male dinosaurs, but everyone in the Control Room claimed that they only make female dinosaurs....

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