! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I just arrived in this park and now I have experienced 2 deaths, and Nedry betraying us?! Nedry was payed to steal one of each dinosaur embryos, his plan was: shut down the park's system, get into the FERTILIZATION ROOM, steal the embryos, drive to the east dock and store them in the ship, then turn the power back on. We found out that his plan was ruined when he was starting to find the east dock. He got lost and was found by a hungry dilophosaur. The animal killed him with poison. The other man who died was Ed Regis. Malcolm and I land-cruiser, whereas the children and Regis rode in the front. The system was shut down while we were on the tour. The vehicles and the radio stopped working, and we need to contact the Control Room because the supply ship had raptors in it! Our land-cruisers stopped in front of the T-Rex enclosure. Since the system was shut down, the electric fences are not working. Tim was riding in the second land-cruiser, and he spotted the adult T-Rex, realizing that the fence wasn't electrified any longer. Regis was terrified, and he ran out of the land-cruiser, leaving the children inside. The T-Rex spotted the children's land-cruiser, and picked it up. Lex fell out, but Tim was still inside. The vehicle was tossed, with Tim. Malcolm wanted to run away, but the T-Rex caught him and threw him to the air. He was badly hurt. Later on, we got together again, but that's when Regis died. A young T-Rex spotted Regis and wanted to play a game. But Regis was terrified. In the end, the T-Rex killed him.

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