! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Good news: the others in the Control Centre knew Nedry's plan. They planned to leave the body there, partly because he deserved it, partly because they didn't want to take away the compys' meal. Bad news: the hungry rex just won't give up!!! It chased us again, and this time, it nearly caught us. We don't have any other choice, except tumble down a waterfall that was in front of us. When we reached the bottom, we on a ledge behind the waterfall. Surprisingly, there was a metal door. I told the children to stay outside, and I went in. A young MALE velociraptor attempted to jump behind me, but I managed to shoot it with a tranquilizer gun, It fell and just lay there. I carried the young animal and tried to open the door, but it was locked! The system must have been on again. The children weren't doing any better. The rex had found the children and tried to eat Tim. Luckily, I managed shoot it with the tranquilizer gun. Using the electric car I found in the tunnel, we drove as fast as we could to the Control Centre. It won't be long until the ship with the raptors reached San Jose!

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