! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Remember when Nedry and Regis died? Well they're not alone, lots of people are going to join them. It started when Arnold decided to go to the generator building to turn on the main power. "All dinosaurs will be out of its enclosure. the fences weren't working for 5 hours!" Arnold said. Muldoon and Gennaro followed him. While Arnold tried to reach the generator building, Muldoon and Gennaro shot at the raptors that were attacking. But they failed. Muldoon injured his foot as he tried to run away. And when Arnold tried to turn on the generator, he left the door open in purpose so he can see what he was doing. But that turned out to be a mistake. A raptor took advantage of the open door. It blocked the exit and attacked Arnold. No one knew what happened, until the raptor came out of the building with blood in its jaws. Arnold was dead. The others outside weren't having much luck. Gennaro and Muldoon were running around trying to figure out why the power wasn't on yet. "I'll go inside, wish me luck," Gennaro said. As he went in, he realized what happened to Arnold. A raptor was standing, glaring at Gennaro from the roof. Blood was dripping from its jaws. It jumped down to Gennaro, but he managed to knock it aside. Gennaro could be strong, but he was very frightened. He failed to get to the generator because he was very afraid.

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