! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I suddenly understood what Wu meant about those raptors! Those animals are extremely fierce predators! They can destroy anything within a matter of minutes! Take the Visitors' Centre for example. Imagine a building with windows smashed to pieces, door locks destroyed, dead people lying everywhere, with pools of blood. That's what the Visitors' Centre look like after the raptors' visit there. A security guard was lying dead against a door. I took his walkie-talkie and tried to contact Ellie. Thank God she answered! "You're lucky you're alive! The raptors destroyed everything!" Ellie screallmed. I learned from Wu that raptors are biting at the bars in the skylight in the Control Room. Unless the bars are electrified again, it won't be long before the raptors manage to get in and take on the children.  "There are raptors between you and the Visitors' Centre. You can't get back unless we help," Wu said. Ellie, Muldoon, Harding, and Wu were standing at the front door of the Visitors' Centre. I have come to realize that they were going to distract the raptors while I get to the Control Room in the Visitors' Centre. The plan worked perfectly, well.. Not until Ellie panicked. They all got to the Safari Lodge safely, but after learning that raptors can open doors, Ellie panicked. She ran out the door. The raptors saw her and attacked. Wu ran out and tried to save her, but unfortunately, the raptors turned their attention towards him! Harding was able to pull Ellie inside, but Wu wasn't lucky. The raptors' sharp claws killed him. Before he died, Wu told me how to turn on the generator. The power should be on by now...

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