! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


It was getting dark. We spent 4 hours staring at the video screens, watching dinosaurs hunting each other and people dying everywhere. I called soldiers to bomb the island, because there's no other way than this to stop the dinosaurs' rampage. I decided to find the dinosaurs' nest before it gets really dark. I told Harding to watch over the children as the others and I go and find the nests. The young raptor I saw in the waterfall tunnel was in a cage. It was very frightened. Perhaps if I let the raptor go, it could show me the way to the nests. I took that chance. I freed the raptor, and followed it. The raptor finally disappeared down a hole in a rock. We followed it, and we got such a surprise! There were 33 raptors: 6 adults, 22 young ones, and 5 babies. But their behavior is what we all are concerned of. They were playing and running around, when suddenly, they stop and stare at the tunnel that lead to the beach. Then all at once, the raptors ran into the tunnel, and out to the beach. They stared at the sea for a long time. We all didn't know what they were actually doing. But it suddenly occurred to me! They wanted to migrate!!

O yes.. About Hammond. As you know, he's in the Safari Lodge. He thinks that his work is all safe. He doesn't care about the out-of-control park and the people dying because they work in THIS park. All he wanted was to make money. But he doesn't want to admit, he covered it up by saying he wanted to make an animal park. Now he thinks that he can open another animal park somewhere else. As he started to go out of the Lodge, he heard a roar that sounded like a T-Rex. He was very frightened, and he ran. He didn't look where he was going, fell, and rolled down a hill. His foot was broken, and suddenly he heard the roar again. But it wasn't the T-Rex, it was his grandchildren! They were playing in the Control Room! Hammond was angry and scared as well. Suddenly there were little green animals around him. Compys! HUNGRY compys! They attacked Hammond, biting him, their poison getting in Hammond's body. Hammond started to fall asleep. When the next compy jumped, he didn't push it away. Soon Hammond was asleep, and the compys had a feast.

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