! ! DANGER ! !

Sunday, February 13, 2011


As I told you before, Ellie, Gennaro, and I found out that the raptors wanted to migrate. Probably because they knew this place is going to be bombed. They were staring out to the ocean, like their only wish was to get out of Isla Nublar. As we three were watching, I heard the sound of helicopters landing by the beach. The helicopters' blades frightened the raptors, and they scattered into the forest. A soldier came out, and pulled us in a helicopter. "Please come with us! This island is too dangerous! We're going to bomb everything!" the soldier cried. We three went in the helicopter as more soldiers came out and started preparing bombs. We were all relieved to be alive, but that moment ended, as memories of the people who died in this park flooded back. Lots of people have passed on in less than 24 hours: workmen, security guards, Nedry, Arnold, Wu, and Hammond. If I recall correctly, this wouldn't have happened if Nedry didn't shut down the system in the park, much less COME with us into the park. The helicopter took off. I looked back and saw disaster flooding the island of Isla Nublar. There were explosions, and dinosaurs running around. The explosions covered the island. As we flew away, it grew dark. But Isla Nublar was so big, that I can even see the explosions from up here. After another explosion, I never saw the island again. JURASSIC PARK IS GONE... FOR GOOD.

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